13 reasons why is an amazing book that touches on a difficult topic. This young adult fiction book was written by Jay Asher and everyone should read it.
This book is about a boy name Clay Jensen, he receives something in the mail full of cassette tapes. He finds a player and to his surprise it’s Hannah Baker’s voice talking. Hannah Baker commmited suicide a couple weeks ago and him receiving it was unsettling. The tapes were numbered 1-13 and it goes through 13 reasons why she decided to end her life. My favorite part is when Clay finds the tapes because it really is kinda creepy getting recordings from someone who killed themself.
Clay is pretty deluded because everything he was accused of wrong in his perspective. He denied what he did and that he doesn’t deserve to by on the “list” He stated, I didn’t do anything to deserve these tapes, I didn’t go near her, how can I possibly be partially responsible for her suicide. He really doesn’t like being accused and he found a way to disprove it.
I personally like the book because you always have to guess what the next reason is. Even though I don’t necessarily relate to this, it’s always nice to see something around this situation and even help prevent this type of thing. I don’t really recommend this book to people who are sensitive about this topic, but if you aren’t this book will really change your view. This book has a great lesson in it and that you should never bully someone because their different and don’t bully in general. Many people loose their lives like this. Just imagine it was you getting bullied before you do it.