Saturday, November 12, 2016

Election Reflection

                                        What are your thoughts on this election in general?

     My thoughts on this is a very unbiased opinion on both presidential parties. The whole thing has ended up being a very heated debate that no one can decide on. Both of them have done some equally horrible stuff. Both are receiving criticism and are trying to make each other look bad instead of paying more attention of more important topics. I also start realizing though that what they are saying might not happen. So why vote for someone if there is no guarantee if its actually going to happen. Overall this election has been a very interesting one.

                                         What are your thoughts on the election results?

     During the election I was following how everything was going and I was shocked to see that Donald Trump was having no problem with Hillary. When I woke up to find out our new president, I was completely shocked about what I just saw. Many other people were shocked too and mostly upset. Donald Trump won and now everyone is wondering how the future of america will be. I didn't agree that he won but it is what it is and I might as well have an open mind about him. Nobody knows if it will be a bad thing for him to be president. He has the potential in doing something beneficial  to this free country. People need to realize though that some of the stuff that he said he would do (for example: Deport every illegal immigrant) would probably be turned down by the house of congress.

               What are some issues you think are most important/interesting in relation to the election?

There are a good amount of important things that Donald needs to do. A big issue that needs to be taken care of is more jobs. Since Donald is lowering taxes for big companies should there be more jobs? I don't think that immigration isn't a huge deal but I don't completely disagree what he is trying to do. He also has to deal with Isis and find a way to defeat them. I think it is going to be very difficult because who is going to pay for it? He lowered the taxes with big companies/businesses so who is going to be able to afford big taxes for less wealthy people. Overall he has a very big responsibility and he better do it right.

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