Thursday, March 16, 2017

Argumentative Articles (AOW)

                                         The Most Pressing Argument 

While reading many articles, there were arguments that made me think of which side I was on. The one that really pressed against me was the article about Snowden. I think it was really dangerous for Edward Snowden to expose the government because anybody can see it. This includes terrorist, enemy countries, etc... This puts many Americans in danger but all he had to do to prevent it was to let the government do its thing. Even though it let Americans know about there privacy being invaded. No one wants the government to easdrop on your conversation. Exposing it let people know about it so they can stop the invasion of privacy. Imagine talking about something personal while the government was listening. You wouldn't want it anyone listening either.

                                       Which Article Effect Me More?

Although that article about Snowden compelled me to think more about the argument it doesn't effect me too much. The article that really effects me and other people is the argument about eating less meat to help climate change. Doing this changes most of my diet and by doing this change so rapidly it can really anger some people, especially if its a religious meal they eat that contains meat. Me personally, I eat a lot of meat in my diet and me having to go almost vegan would make me avoid food almost completely.

Although not being able to consume meat anymore it at least helps the environment. Many people who give up meat so we can live on the earth without any type of disaster happening. Saving the earth is one of the things we have struggled on for decades. No one wants to give up their cars or companies but changing your diet will decrease more than 51% of green house gasses released into the air.

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