When I started reading the book it seemed very sweet. It described a life of a professor and I thought he just did not care about what other people think and he had fun like he wants to. As I got further into the book it made me very sad that he was getting older and with a new chronic disease he gets called ALS it kept him from doing the things he loved. I was feeling better when family members were by his side helping him. When they depicted him getting weaker and not being able to do anything I just couldn't believe he could live any longer than that. I wouldv'e liked to die already if I was in a state when I'm not able to do anything at all but sit there and do nothing. Yet he never was depressed or mad he just kept on living life and I find that very inspirational. I wasn't that far into the book and it already makes me think about death and how I should live life to the fullest.
Many people have goals in which they want to complete but not many people are able to achieve everything. There are many sad cases where they die quicker than they wanted to. I personally have goals that I hope I can complete in my lifetime. Many of them are when I'm an adult and I want to have a successful life with an amazing family. I still will have death in my mind so my job is to keep that though from overtaking my life.
Bucket List:
- Graduate school
- Have a successful job
- Have a family
- Be able to help my family
- Have a healthy lifestyle
- Help in with the community
- Help other people who need it
- Start or fund a charity
- Grow old
- Have a living funeral
- End my life peacefully
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