Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quater 2 Reflection

Quater 2 has been an expierence to me and really tested how much I could handle. I have learned alot for the past couple of months and I expect to learn much more after that. The area I have learned the most out of is writing. Back in Quater 1 I didn't understand the whole concept of the T.I.Q.A format until now. Writing has become easier using formats I never seen before. Right now I learned something else as well, I learned the A.N.T format. Writing about what I read got better making me more confident. Confident enough to join battle of the books for the first time! This has setup  a new goal for this quater and for the rest of the year.

In 2017 I have personal goals for this class. Although this year so far has been fairly boring, nothing has happened that is actually interesting. The only thing that has happened this year is I signed up for battle of the books. I think this is a huge accomplishment for me personally because I never thought I was a very good reader. Since I never really had anything that big happened yet I still have goals. Finishing the 20 book challenge will be one of them. Trying to improve my writing skills has also been on my mind this year.

The most difficult part about this quater was me not finishing work at home. I never really like doing work at home and I want my free time. But I tried to help this problem by not being so distracted by the littlest thing. Although I don't haave ADHD or anything it's just that when I don't enjoy something I never really pay attention to it. This year I hope that I will be able to concentrate more on work and less about free time. It may seem easy to some people but for me I like with more than 10 people in my house and about fifty percent of them are under the age of 8 years old. So having my own free time is pretty hard, especially when all the adults are at work until five thirty to six at night. This year will be different but it may be a long process but it's worth it when I don't have to worry so much about work.

The quater many have flown by but I have 2 more quarters left for this year. The 3rd quater would have changes and improvements. It's time to have new start, and mind set for this quater and work like I've never had before.

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