Thursday, May 11, 2017

Morrie Aphorism Project

  The aphorism that Morrie shares with Mitch is, "...if you really want it, then you'll make your dream happen." (Page 47). It tells that giving up isn't going to get you anywhere in life. You keep going and you keep working hard to achieve the dream you always wanted. Every successful person in the world got there from never giving up and never just payed there thinking their life will always be the same. This is not true, everyone has a purpose in life and it isn't just going to be handed to you like you think. This is what Morrie believes in when he explains to his students that any career or thing in life will be achievable if you just keep going. That is the strongest message of them all.

  It may sound corny or even cliche but it happens a lot and it may even happen to you. In movies or documentaries that depict the life of a successful person, for example Steve jobs. In that movie it shows Steve in is garage with friends making computers. After countless fails and rejections from companies he never stoped trying to revolutionize technology. He eventually started his companies and it grew to something you see today. Despite the huge bumps on the way he was able to complete hi dream through had work and never giving up. This sort of thing happened to me except not computers. All my life I've wanted to play basketball, I started when I was five and I was using a neighbors hoop and a soccer ball. After countless hours of practicing I was finnally able to find a form I can use to make shots. I soon was able to play against people way older than me. But it isn't that easy, so many times I've lost and made fun of because I was always "bigger" than other kids my age. It brought me down but I kept going and was able to become a role model for some people.

I believe that this aphorism is true and it really is a huge part of a great life. In everybody there is something that they want and it is almost always not going to be handed to them like that. You know you want it when you don't give up on it and you keep going. This is what the first part of the aphorism shows, "...if you really want wat it...". The second part comes in when you have the dream and finally achieve it with a boost of confident that anything is possible. That is why I agree with this aphorism and is a great message to show to anybody having a very hard time not being able to compel themselves to achieve their dream.

If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living

Friday, May 5, 2017

Socratic Seminar Morrie Reflection

The Socratic seminars have made me think more about why Morrie was so open with death and how he was able to share what he feels with the world and not in his house mourning his death. The seminar let me find out that Morrie was never afraid of death and he embraced it by being with loved ones and not letting any emotions take full control of him. Doing this it gave me more of an understanding of the message the book is trying to reach for the reader. Not only did the seminar helped with the book but it made me think about my daily life. What would I do if I was slowly dying  because of a disease. All of these questions start going through my mind and makes me realize the little things in life. It gave me a veiw on today's society that everyone is just trying to spread negativity in the world.

Through the seminar I noticed that I always had one goal, and that is to start a conversation about a topic in the book. It never came to be yet I still tried to participate for me to understand other peoples view. On every seminar I would listen because of love hearing what people have to day about their opinion. But the more we did it the more my goals began to change. I wanted to say at least one thing at every talk but then I made it 2 or 3. The more I listen the more I had to say and I was able to start a conversation. I personally think it was a good idea to do the seminars and im kinda sad that that was out last one.

Everyone in who participated in the seminar everyone liked to make connnection about their personal lives. It usually revolves around death since that was a majority topic since the book is talking about death. We all pitched in to the conversation and we would laugh about it. It is great to listen to each other and we listen respectfully. There are times where we interrupt each other by acccident and it happens more than you think. That usually what happens in our seminars and it's a great way to learn. I wish I will be able to do this in the future.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Perfect Day

The days have gone by in my life that aren't always the best. But, there are some days were I never want it to end and enjoy it. I would wake up an hour after dawn fully refreshed and energized for the day. Enjoying the sunlight peeking through my window and the gentle sound of the trees swaying outside in the morning. I go and get breakfast with pancakes, french toast, and any other breakfast meals. Once done and really full as if I was going to rupture I would relax on my bed again watching a couple videos until the food in my stomach went down. I would lay for an hour just thinking and relaxing while my family is doing the same. There was no yelling, no work, and no stress.

After laying for a couple hours me and my family start packing for our bike trip in a trail that goes through the forest and across rivers. Once outside we soak up the sunlight and mild temperatures as we head into the car with our bikes. When we arrived everyone was full and energy and ready to race with our bikes down the trail. My parents are behind us looking at the river while me and my sibling head out to the tail where we rode our hearts out. We enjoyed the scenery with green everywhere and birds chirping in the distance. We see animals in the forest and stop to watch them for minutes at a time. After we finished the trail and everyone exhausted from the ride we get put the bikes back in the car and leave.

We arrived and every one had an appetite after all biking we set up the grill and start cooking. Me and my sibling waiting impatiently out side in the back yard setting up tables and chairs. While setting up we smell the delicious food cooking and we pick up the pace. Now done with the work my whole family grab a basketball and play a game.  Everyone was sweaty after that so we start getting buckets of water and we throw it onto each other. All of us laughing we check the food and it is finished. We all dry off as much as we can and we all sit down together. We eat and our neighbors join in with us and we all have a blast playing basketball and talking.

At dusk everyone was full and tired we grab another grill and start a bonfire. We grab marsh mellows and Hershey chocolates. Everyone enjoyed their goey dessert as we all stayed out their for hours until we all were falling asleep. We put out the fire and everyone goes inside getting ready for bed. I took a shower and put on my pjs and laid in my bed covering myself and dirfiting to sleep. This is a perfect day.